The History of Creation

A record setting racing car was created on V. A.  Kapsheiev's initiative. The model was built in 1966. It was a car for highway circular racing with an aerodynamic body.

The design of the car had a number of non-standard solutions: the radiator was located at the rear part of the car, behind the engine, so that the driver's seat was strongly pushed forward, and the front part was round-shaped; both front and rear wheels had independent air suspension with elastic elements within the body. A five-speed gearbox from  «Kharkov-7»  was  used.

For races in class 7 (up to 2000 cm3), the car was equipped with an in-line four-cylinder engine with the working volume of 1970 cm3 of A.V. Siriatsky's design, developed for V.K. Nikitin's car «Kharkov-6» in 1952 and then modernized (in particular, the direct fuel injection system for intake valves was applied). In class 9 (up to 5000 cm3) «KhADI-8» started with high-powered engine «GAZ-21»: its working volume was increased up to 3185 cm3 by boring cylinders, increasing compression  ratio, modifying gas distribution, intake and exhaust systems. The capacity of this engine was about 160 hp. Subsequently, «KhADI-8» was equipped with another engine designed by A.V.  Siriatsky - V-shaped eight-cylinder one  with  working  volume of  1974  cm3 and built for  «Kharkov-7»  in  1959.