The History of Creation

«KhADI-7» is a racing car designed in  Laboratory KhAHI in 1966. The author of the project was the Head of the Laboratory V. K. Nikitin.

When V. K.  Nikitin began to design a brand new record setting car in the engineering department, he decided to use the frame and the body of the previously designed «Kharkov-7» car, i.e. it was to become «KhADI-7».

In official guidebooks and various sports literature sources on motor racing in 1950-1960, the record results and the specifications of only the first, second, third and sixth models of the racing cars created by V. K.Nikitin are given. However, there was such a car. It was designed in 1959 with a test V-shaped 8-cylinder engine with a capacity of 340 hp. A.M. Siryatsky was actively involved  in  the engine development.

V.K. Nikitin conducted ride tests of the designed car and found some considerable faults in the power unit. In addition, the highway runs existing at that time were unfit for record races at the speed  of 300-320 km/h. At that time, a new record setting car was almost ahead of «speed capabilities» of the best local highways. And only a few years later there appeared some objective reasons for the creation of the first Soviet record setting  car  whose  speed could  exceed  400 km/h.

The general chassis design relied on the trends set for the previous models «Kharkov-3» and «Kharkov-6». It was based on the straight  frame made of the tubes of 90 mm diameter; body panels were made of duralumin. The front suspension was an independent suspension with torsion bars as the elastic elements, and the rear one was with the torsion rods. Tyres – 6.00-16" were made by the order of the Tyre Industry Research  Institute.