Yuriy Batygin

Head of a chair, Doctor of Science, Professor, Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine

Doctor of Science in “The Strong Electrical and Magnetic Fields Technique”, Professor in “The Higher Mathematics”, speciality: Engineer-Electrophysicist

The Modern Ukraine Encyclopaedia, Vol.2

The Science Interest is the Magnetic Pulse Forming the Thin-Walled Metals with the Thickness what is less than Skin-layer of the Accoridng Conducting Environment.

Is the Author of the New Science Directions:

  • Creation of the Magnetic Field Intensity Space-Time Distribution for the the Pressure Forces Increasing;
  • Passing to the Low Working Frequencies of the Magnetic Fields for the Exciting the Electrical Dynamics and Magnetic Attracting Forces.

Has more 200 Science Publications for the time being.

Among them the Science Monograph are:

  1. ”The Pulse Magnetic Fields for Advanced Technologies”. Kharkov: NTU “KhPI” Publishing House. 2001. – 273p.(Russian)
  2. “The Magnetic Pulse Thin-Walled Metal Working”. Kharkov: “Tornado-Most”Publishing House. 2002. – 284p.(Russian)
  3. “The Theory and Experiment of the Thin-Walled Metals Magnetic Pulse Attracting”. Kharkov:   “KhNADU” Publishing House. 2009. – 245p.(Russian)

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