Description of the Department

The Department "Technical Exploitation and Service of Cars" Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University (KhNAHU) was founded in 1933 year. Over the years it has been recognized related departments of other universities and had acquired a certain professional image. The Department TESA is constantly among the leading departments of the University and largely determines its popularity.

For more than 80 years of its existence it has annually prepared an average of 115 young specialists.

The Department continually strives to implement the main concept in higher education and the shift of University education towards a deeper understanding of the substantive tasks and problems of scientific-technical progress. In this regard, on the initiative of the Department in the educational process new disciplines are introduced - "Transport Systems Engineering", "Technical Cybernetics Transport", etc.

The Department was created the first computer center of the Institute (35 years ago). Moreover, the concept of computerization of the educational process adopted, the development of evidence-based algorithms for solving and optimization of specific technical and economic objectives in this field of knowledge.

The Department, like people, are born, develop, reach adulthood, grow, celebrate their anniversaries. In their biography on the laws of dialectics, too, are the UPS and downs, successes and failures. The Department, as the basic structural unit of the University, truly exists only in the dynamics and continuous development. For her full life is a constant progress in teaching and research work. If it is not growing, it virtually ceases to function.

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Сontact information

Address: Ukraine, 61002, Kharkiv, Yaroslava Mudrogo (Petrovskogo) str., 25, Khadi,

The Department "Technical exploitation and service of cars".

Phone: +38-(057)-707-37-68.

Email address: